lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Resumen de Cien Años de Soledad


Cien años de soledad fue escrita por el colombiano Gabriel García Márquez en los años sesenta, justo cuando había hecho de la Ciudad de México su residencia y donde su principal fuente de ingresos era trabajar para agencias de publicidad preparando textos creativos para diferentes productos. Los capítulos iniciales de la novela fueron enviados por correo a la Editorial Sudamericana, quien había pactado con el autor su primera edición, en Buenos Aires. El resto del libro fue entregado en mano por el cineasta Arturo Ripstein, que le hizo el favor de llevarla en un viaje que tenía preparado y que le permitía a García Márquez ahorrarse el costo de las estampillas de correo.
La primera edición vendió, en junio de 1967, 8 mil ejemplares en dos semanas, lo que obligó a reimprimirla con rapidez ante la demanda de los lectores que ansiaban conocer este libro que recorre varias generaciones de una familia a la par que se aproxima al contexto histórico de una nación en busca de su camino.
Como la gran mayoría de las naciones de América, la Colombia del siglo XIX, donde se situa la novela, era una nación que venía de padecer la dominación colonial impuesta desde España. Contaba con una población importante de españoles que se hallaban en el tope de la pirámide de las clases sociales y detentaban la mayoría de la propiedad. Un enorme país, con abundancia otorgada por la naturaleza, que buscaba abrirse camino en la historia. Para ese momento ya había transcurrido la lucha independentista y coexistían y se disputaban el poder los liberales y los conservadores, en un modo muy similar al de México y otros países, donde el papel de la Iglesia Católica era fundamental, pues estaba presente en gran parte de la vida social y política.
En ese contexto tuvieron lugar diversos experimentos políticos para buscar un sistema de gobierno y un consenso que los unificara como nación. Si el siglo XIX lo habían iniciado rebasando el millón de habitantes, para transitar al siglo XX la población ya ascendía a más de cinco millones de habitantes.
El proceso de Independencia tuvo un impacto muy fuerte para la región, porque de ahí se derivó que de la Gran Colombia original que se independizó en 1821, unos años más tarde se separaran como países independientes Venezuela y Ecuador. En 1839 tuvo lugar la primera guerra civil del país, la Guerra de los Conventos, como reacción a la ley que suprimía los conventos de menos de 8 religiosos. Una década después, en medio de la pugna del Partido Liberal contra el Partido Conservador, se avanza en el derecho de voto a los hombres mayores de 21 años, se busca la separación Iglesia-Estado, se adopta el federalismo y se logra la abolición de la esclavitud.
La epidemia de cólera de 1849 ocasionó el fallecimiento de miles de personas en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias y la región, y poco después se decretó la expulsión de los jesuitas, siguiendo la ordenanza que el rey de España había instruido en 1767 y que el presidente en ese momento daba por válida. Los liberales triunfaron en la guerra civil de 1860 al 63 y el tono anticlerical se escuchaba dentro y fuera del poder. El país buscaba desesperadamente alternativas para modernizarse pero la carencia de vías de comunicación dividía a los estados, la agricultura era muy limitada y los grandes productos colombianos eran solamente el oro y el café.
La industrialización era algo que empezaba a ocurrir en otros países pero no se vislumbraba como opción para la nación que padecía pugnas por el poder entre quienes llegaban a la presidencia, hasta lograr cierta estabilidad a finales del siglo XIX mediante la política de regeneración que buscaba encauzar a las fuerzas de la política y la sociedad.
En una economía severamente atrasada si la comparamos en ese momento con otras naciones, había grandes tragedias nacionales, como la larga epidemia de lepra y los temblores, que marcaban a las generaciones de colombianos.
La separación de Panamá de Colombia, la Guerra de los Mil Días y la violencia presente en los esfuerzos de democracia llegaron con el siglo XX.
En esta herencia histórica viene arropado el nacimiento de Gabriel García Márquez el 6 de marzo de 1927. García Márquez nació en una familia en conflicto entre liberales y conservadores, donde el romanticismo anidaba en la espera que su padre tuvo resistir para conquistar a la madre de Gabito (como todos le llamaban desde pequeño) y donde el honor, la patria, la imaginación y las supersticiones estaban arraigadas a lo largo del árbol genealógico del autor, que con naturalidad lo aprovechó para nutrir muchas obras de su literatura. Precisamente fue su abuela, Tranquilina, quien le contaba historias con elementos más que imaginarios e improbables, pero con una certeza y naturalidad que los colocaba en el día a día, lo que acercó al joven Gabriel a la palabra e influyó en su caminar hacia la literatura.
Aracataca, la ciudad que lo vio nacer y crecer, le prestó al autor características y personajes, su clima, sus calles, su tren amarillo, sus mitos y sus leyendas, para crear esa mítica Macondo que, al contener todo dentro de su entorno, también es la diversidad mágica, contradictoria y con tintes de lo increíble que pueden ser todos los rincones de América Latina.
García Márquez primero intentó la carrera de Derecho, pero la crisis política de su país, cuando apenas tenía 21 años, lo orilló al periodismo, carrera que lo llevó a Europa y a pasar una temporada en Nueva York, ya casado y con su primer hijo. Su pasión por el cine lo llevó a estudiarlo en Roma y a acercarse como guionista, justo en la etapa que ya tenía en mente armar Cien años de soledad, a proyectos de cine mexicano al lado de directores que empezaban dentro de la industria fílmica.
Justo cuando llegaba a los 40 años, dividiendo su tiempo entre la publicidad, los guiones para cine, y una obra que sólo había llamado la atención de ciertos lectores y algunos críticos literarios, García Márquez le pone el punto final a una novela que tanto en español como en muchos otros idiomas ha despertado la imaginación y la admiración de los lectores y fue fundamental para que recibiera en 1982 el Premio Nobel de Literatura, además de numeras condecoraciones, doctorados honoris causa, homenajes y aplausos.
Su voz de creador ha servido para interesar por la literatura a jóvenes y lectores de todas las edades, además de que su opinión y consejo ha sido de alto valor para presidentes, empresarios, intelectuales y líderes sociales de las más diversas y contrastantes corrientes ideológicas, personajes tales como Fidel Castro de Cuba y el norteamericano Bill Clinton.
Como él mismo ha confesado, García Márquez “sólo escribe para que lo quieran”. Tal vez por eso al conocer uno de sus libros, los lectores se contagian de la curiosidad por recorrer el resto de su obra. Y cada vez que ante una mirada se abren sus páginas, se recrea la magia cuando aparece esa frase inicial: “Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía habría de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevó a conocer el hielo”.

I - V

The first chapter tells of the founding of Macondo by the Buendia family along with 20 families after twenty-six month journey looking out to sea. In this chapter we meet José Arcadio Buendía, Ursula Iguarán (his wife) and Melquiades, key figure in the development of history.Macondo is described as a village of 20 houses where no one is greater than 30 years or has died. Melquiades is a gypsy who comes every year in March with the most recent discoveries and exerts strong influence over José Arcadio Buendía, who spends large amounts of gold and time to immerse themselves in the study of the inventions brought by the Gypsies, such as magnets, the glass or ice. This chapter provides evidence of the personality of these three characters and their importance in history. José Arcadio Buendía obsessed patriarch discoveries midwife Ursula practice, always busy and a great sense of hospitality and Melquiades, the gypsy whose knowledge and "powers" violate the emotional stability of José Arcadio who gives him a laboratory alchemy for his discovery, tested elsewhere, that the Earth is round.
            Some critics point out that in reality Macondo is brewing in Latin America, is a mirror of our continent all in it are represented men and women but also the problems and more established American ideals. This moist heat instead of lush natural beauty could not be other than Latin America in a novel.
It tells the journey through the mountains to conclude in the founding of Macondo, name José Arcadio Buendía dreamed. It is known that this migration corresponds to promise to leave the village that makes José Arcadio Buendía the ghost of Prudencio Aguilar, who appears every night and who murdered in a clash for a bet of roosters.
            This chapter narrates the births of the children of Ursula and the final paper will have Pilar Veal, a psychic who falls in love with the two brothers Aureliano and José Arcadio. José Arcadio goes with the Gypsies and their mother comes looking for her abandoning the family for five months without finding it. Aureliano José Arcadio Buendía and engaged in alchemy.

Pilar Veal has a son José Arcadio Arcadio who is called and comes to live in the house of the Buendia. Along with Amaranta, Arcadio is the care of the Guajira Indian Visitation and comes home a girl named Rebecca with a letter asking Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia to take charge of that parent whose fathers they do not remember. She stays at home and adopted daughter.
            Macondo is attacked by the plague of insomnia. Besides not being able to sleep, begin to forget everything I decide to write the names of things and their usefulness and Pilar Veal, who used to read the cards for the future, now read them to remember the past. Melquiades, who was dead, back from the dead and save the people from the plague. Bring a daguerreotype laboratory this time, which again catches amazing José Arcadio Buendía in ruminations thinking with this invention will prove the existence of God.
            Aureliano knows the mulatto grandmother who exploited in prostitution and it came with the circus. It aims to rescue without success. Comes to town, with his family, sent by the government, Apolinar Moscote as mayor and provoking the anger of the locals who were so peaceful that no one had died not even a natural death. He and Joseph Arcado Buendia, after several insults, reach agreements that allow them to live in peace in Macondo even without agreeing with the imposition of the new authority. Renovations are made in the house to meet the changes brought teenagers. Remedios, the little girl daughter Moscote Apolinar, cause a deep and painful impression Aureliano.

A renovated house filled with beautiful objects and profuse decoration comes Pietro Crespi, an elegant and flawless Italian, sent by the importing house where you bought the player piano for him to install accurately. His visits were frequent and Amaranta and Rebeca, enraptured by the delirium of passion, began a struggle that lasted until death.
Meanwhile, his parents Aureliano confesses his love for Remedios, daughter of the enemy. In family discussions José Arcadio Buendía agrees to ask the hand of the girl who was still playing with dolls with the condition that whoever Rebeca marry Pietro Crespi for being reciprocated. Amaranta can not stand the offense and decides to never allow the marriage.Melquiades dies in the village, making it the first kill of Macondo. After so many delusions caused by their attempts to achieve great inventions José Arcadio Buendía always loses reason and tie to Auburn patio.
Aureliano Buendia and Remedies Moscote marry. She brings joy to the house and is responsible for dealing with Aureliano and José Arcadio Buendía son of her husband José and Pilar Veal. Pietro Crespi and Rebecca have to postpone their wedding scheduled for the same day as the remedies due to the death of the mother of Peter. Later, when there is little for the wedding again, Remedios dies from bleeding during pregnancy with twins. Amaranta feels remorse for having desired that something serious happened to prevent the wedding. Mourning Wedding prevents lovers living permanently monitored and culminating pending the construction of the church to get married.
José Arcadio returns and he and Rebecca passion is so strong that they decide to marry the whole family disapproval and plunging Pietro Crespi in a great desolation. Now Pietro asks to marry Amaranta. There were elections and corruption, war broke out.Aureliano and Gerineldo Marquez family friend, join the liberal cause and proclaimed Colonel Aureliano.

VI - X

Colonel Aureliano Buendia was promoted 32 Macondo and lost wars. He had seventeen children of different mothers. Arcadio became the cruelest rulers in Macondo until Ursula stepped avoiding the shooting of several men and releasing prisoners and so she began to rule the people. Pietro Crespi and Amaranta cultivated a deep friendship. When he proposes to her she rejects him and he sinks into suicidal grief and to the dismay of Ursula and family who do not understand the rejection of Amaranta. Arcadio, not knowing it was his mother Pilar Veal, was attracted to her. But she, without confessing the truth and in the darkness of the night, took him to bed Santa Sofia de la Piedad with whom he went to live and had three sons, Aureliano Segundo, José Arcadio Segundo (twins) and Remedios the Beauty . Arcadio continued to commit abuses and misusing public funds and he was shot.

After being taken prisoner, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was sentenced to death but his brother José Arcadio intervened and managed to save the squad when they were already pointing. The colonel was to continue the war and Jose Arcadio, who lived with Rebecca in the oblivion of the family, was shot in the head. A trickle of blood through the village broke the news to Ursula for the death of his son.
The return of Aureliano Buendía was cause for jubilation. Although he was poisoned one night, Ursula managed to save his life. Gerineldo Márquez prompts Amaranta love marriage and although she refuses he confesses he will insist until you accept. José Arcadio Buendía, still tied to brown and frequent visits from the ghost of Prudencio Aguilar, lives his last days. Aureliano sends a letter to his mother to tell her father to care for will die. When he died rained down on the town all night tiny yellow flowers.

Amaranta and Aureliano José, his nephew, advance in a relationship that goes beyond filial love desired and pursued until she cut short the dangerous game. When you see the possibility of another love with Carmelita Montiel, Aureliano José is killed. They began to get home women with children in their arms that they were sons of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, baptizing them in the name of his father and mother's last name. The Corenel Aureliano Buendía attacked Macondo. Visit Rebecca widow of José Arcadio and informs him that restore the land his brother had usurped their owners. Rebeca is consumed into disrepair. Ursula faces when it decides Colonel José Raquel Moncada shoot and before a court martial confronts his son. Aureliano Buendía not budge. Ursula and Jose Raquel warn you that has lost the sense of revolution.

Marquez Gerineldo Aureliano Buendia in Macondo and always out making war remain even Gerineldo communicated via telegraph and began to ignore it. Aureliano was becoming increasingly ruthless man who had lost the sense of struggle. Remedios the Beauty, daughter of Santa Sofia de la Piedad and Arcadio begins to arouse envy and spite that ever felt Amaranta by Rebecca to become a teen extreme beauty. While Ursula was still the matron, now aged, they bent them to his son. Aureliano Buendia, after signing the surrender and end the war was shot in the chest where the doctor had said it was the heart, but did not die because that, envisioning the intention of Aurelian, it fooled. With the end of the war and Aureliano recovered with renewed vigor Ursula remodeled the house, ended the mourning and opened its doors to visitors.

The twins José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo looked so much they could swap places without anyone noticing. Both had affair with Petra Cotes although Aureliano Segundo had a lifetime lover, even after marrying Fernanda del Carpio who met at the village fair where Remedios the Beauty was proclaimed queen, causing a stir because everyone wanted see by his unearthly beauty. Aureliano Segundo looked secretly with the ghost of Melquiades he was talking as he did in his time with José Arcadio Buendía. Meanwhile, José Arcadio Segundo was devoted to cockfighting to overwhelm her grandmother Ursula.
When Fernanda and Aureliano Segundo had a son named José Arcadio, Ursula decided that she would ensure that not a man of war, but it would be Pope. The Loves of Aureliano Segundo and Petra Cotes brought them great prosperity brought about by his delirious passion. Remedios the Beauty, delirium caused innocent men went mad seeing her only love and not a few died because of this.


The rain caused in Macondo and the mood of the macondinos serious havoc. "It rained four years, eleven months and two days." At this time Aureliano Segundo went to live with his wife, Babylonian Aureliano appeared (for Fernanda neglect) after three years of imprisonment, to everyone's surprise. Gerineldo Colonel Marquez died and desolate procession passed in front of the house where Ursula Buendia fired him saying he reached when weather cleared, determined to die when the rain passed. Children Amaranta Ursula and Aureliano lived a happy time during the flood in which Ursula made her toy. Aureliano Segundo was still searching the bags of gold that few outsiders ever allowed inside a plaster saint Ursula and hid until they came back for him. When he went to Petra Cotes finally found her aged and trying to save the last animals from the quagmire. Fernanda consulted with doctors about a disease pudibunda imaginary. And Macondo disaster and succumbed to loneliness left by the flood.

When it stopped raining Ursula realized (though she was blind) of the conditions in which José Arcadio Segundo lived in Melquiades' room in a dirt and despair that horrified and realized he was in a world of darkness. Aureliano Segundo and Petra Cotes returned with the mule raffled survivor and carousing again. Fernanda sent Amaranta Ursula to school but did not let the little Aureliano. He began restoring the house to welcome José Arcadio would come from Rome to visit her. Ursula began to lose clarity of temporality and was becoming a raisin with which children played again. Holy Thursday dawned dead. Rebecca died months later and a merciless decrepitude and Aureliano Segundo took care of the burial.
José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Babilonia lived in Melquiades' room where the little known history of Aureliano Buendia and the slaughter of the train station. There, he became interested in deciphering the manuscripts of Melquiades, of which José Arcadio Segundo progress had been made without recognizing letters classifying the language. They found that there was a timeless place. Amaranta Ursula was sent to study in Brussels.Aureliano Segundo sick thinking he had been poisoned by Fernanda. He and José Arcadio Segundo, the twin brothers were killed the same day. They were buried in the wrong graves.Fernanda not allowed to put the booties Petra Cotes had promised that Aureliano Segundo.

Aureliano Babilonia not leave Melquiades' room he was talking all the time, while others thought that talking to himself. Santa Sofia de la Piedad brought him food and coffee. He found that the scrolls were written in Sanskrit and Melquiades told him to go to the bookstore of Catalan where he would find the books listed to learn that language. Suddenly Melquiades not returned, had died in the dunes of Singapore as Aureliano told his invisible presence. Santa Sofia de la Piedad, who had raised children and grandchildren, the house was overwhelmed by exhaustion of endless work for decades that nobody watched. His daughter, Fernanda, always saw her as a maid in disbelief that it could be the mother of her husband. His time became confused between the coming and going of the letters of their children who told of their happiness and who increasingly stretched his return home between explanations and excuses.
Fernanda died in delirium of nostalgia and Aureliano death only able to leave the house to go in search of the Library of Catalonia. José Arcadio came back and repeated contempt Fernanda Aureliano felt for her grandson. Along with the four children who were recruited for fun, José Arcadio found the long lost gold, remodeled the house and squandered it, he realized that Fernanda letters were as false as those of it who never studied theology in Rome and was killed for children who had expelled one day and they stole the gold that only they knew where he was. Aureliano found him floating in the pool.

Amaranta Ursula came home married to an elegant older man with whom she had a passion pact snatched. He found the house and the people she remembered but ruins. With his joy brightened the house and began remodeling but failed to last the birds he had brought to repopulate the skies of Macondo to stay in the village. Her husband Gaston, subjected to the whims of his wife, he was losing hope that Amaranta Ursula decided to leave Macondo after several years. Enjoys decided to start a business adventure airmail which kept him busy.
            Aureliano, who had lived all his life locked up, he was deeply disturbed by who had been his childhood companion. His passion grew with the ardor vivificándose excessive daily spouses. Not bear repressed desire and love found in a brothel and who would later become his mistress, Nigromanta. Although she spent nights with could not extinguish the fire of his heart and his passion for Amaranta Ursula. He began to spend more time in the library of Catalonia where he met four young men who would be your friends forever and with whom he shared intellectual interests, at the end of the day and the thoughtful conversations were going to brothels. His best friend was Gabriel, the only one who believed in the story of the Buendia.In one of the brothel, a brothel zoo, Aureliano found the comfort of his heavy heart. The splendid old place was guarding the Pilar Veal, your great great grandmother was recognized early on by his appearance marked by loneliness. Comforted her crying and recognized a heartache no doubt. He said he returned home, they would be waiting Amaranta Ursula.Among struggles there was a fierce fight in which attacks became caresses which ended in a huge shock.

Pilar Veal died and was buried in his rattan rocker. The Catalan scholar topped the bookstore and returned home where they wrote the five friends of Macondo, of which only Gabriel remained in the village until he won a contest to go to Paris and also left. Gaston went to Brussels to resolve the issues of the plane that never came, with which the business would airmail and delayed his return. Amaranta Ursula and Aureliano loved with passion contained for so long, living only for that, and closed the house, doors and windows to lose no time in undressing. They could not decipher what was their bond of blood. Although feared brothers ended up believing the story that Aureliano came home in a basket and Fernanda had everyone believe. When Amaranta Ursula became pregnant were followed by peace loving.Aureliano abandoned the parchments and prohibited open the last letter arrived from Barcelona blinded to the bad news it contained. Gaston did not return, his wife noticed that I could not live without Aureliano.
            The child was born to them with pig tails, mythological creature both feared the Ursula to father children with his first cousin. Amaranta Ursula died in a hemorrhage that left her empty and mad with grief Aureliano found no friends in town, Macondo succumb to decrepitude and loneliness. When the baby was swept away by the ants all came back to him, he saw before him the title of the scrolls of Melquiades "The first of the line is tied to a tree and the last is being eaten by ants". Voraciously went in search of the scrolls and could read as his own language. The story of the Buendía had been written by Melquiades a hundred years in advance and knew then that was his aunt Amaranta Ursula and that he would no longer that room that would be demolished along with the people with the wind end the lineage of the Buendia.

Símbolos dentro de la historia y temas

In the dating section will realize some of the symbols mentioned here. The book is so complex that still made for unveiling brainy academics. Experts agree that much remains to be discovered. In this regard says that Alvaro Mutis "is a book which has not been said yet dazzled the whole matter lies".

The house . The place where the story intimately. The house opens to strangers and friends.The closing in times of flood and Fernanda. The deteriorating and renewing. The passions that hides most sublime and the most scorching. The one who keeps secrets, terrors and dementias.

Madness . The stigma of Buendia, crazy lucid. Follies of mind and passion. The folly of Aurelian and the Arcadians ended their lives. The madness caused by hatred and forgetting determined the lives of Ursula, Amaranta, Fernanda.

The love . Feeling and passion that was never warm to the Buendia. Love housed the feverish passions and painful afflictions. Love as tragedies axis, inventions, hatred and forgetfulness.

Imagination. was the great feature of José Arcadio Buendía and his downfall, which made ​​him lose his mind. Imagination was a distinctive feature of all the Arcadians.

Time . A while spinning around, it orders the family to repeat their deepest fears. Devastating time moves will, just goes up greatly that remains stationary or returns to the origin. The time is trapped in the life of the Buendia condemning them to a life span of loneliness.

The flood. Though reminiscent of the biblical flood by its epic proportions, this flood does not bring a revival, seems rather dizzying start to the end of Macondo. It marks a before and an after, a watershed in the history of the Buendía that from this time and do not recover from the devastation of bodies and souls.

The gold fishes. They symbolize José Arcadio melting gold to make fishies then melt again to redo fishes. The making and unmaking that marked all those who lost their minds at any given time, Ursula, Amaranta, Aureliano.

The loneliness. Cruel fate of all macondinos. The individual and collective merciless solitude marks points of departure and arrival of each of the stories.

Citas significativas

"Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice" (9).
This quote contains a central part of the story, amazement in men causing Buendía to Macondo inventions brought by gypsies. Thousands of readers have memorized this pair of lines with which the novel begins.

"'All right,' he said Prudencio. We'll leave this town, as far as we can, and never return. Now go quiet "(33).
This is the origin of the exodus of the Buendia and twenty families that leads to the founding of Macondo. The spectrum of Prudencio Aguilar killed by José Arcadio Buendía in a duel of honor appears to him every night until José Arcadio decides to leave town.

"Then he took the money accumulated in many years of hard work, made commitments to its customers, and undertook the enlargement of the house" (68).
Here begins one of the many renovations that will suffer the Buendía house. A house that is destroyed and reinvented every time with every generation of Buendías.

"So many changes occurred in such a short time that eight months after Mr. Herbert's visit the old inhabitants of Macondo were up early to meet his own people" (262).
With the advent of industrialization relative air loss in Macondo. The changes led to a village to become a city suddenly had an impact on the mood of the macondinos.

"... When the carpenter was taking (to José Arcadio Buendía) measures to the coffin, they saw through the window that was dropping a rain of tiny yellow flowers" (166). "He finished speak, when Fernanda felt a delicate wind of light sheets ripped hands and deployed in all its breadth.Amaranta felt a mysterious trembling in the lace on their petticoats and tried to grab the sheet to avoid falling in the instant Remedios the Beauty began to rise "(271). "That's when he realized the yellow butterflies preceded the appearances of Mauricio Babilonia" (327).
These quotes are examples of miraculous and fantastic elements of Vargas Llosa speaks as key elements in the prose of One Hundred Years of Solitude that turns the novel into a literary experience out of the ordinary.

"Years from now they do not come like they used to" (281). "Now children not only grew faster, but even the feelings evolved differently" (287).
One Hundred Years of Solitude is, among many other things, a novel about the ravages of time. But mostly on the cyclical nature of it, as a determination inevitable.
"Úrsula resisted growing old even when he had lost count of his age, and everywhere interfered and tried to get into everything, and teased to outsiders with preguntadera of whether they had left in the house, for the times of the war, a San Jose plaster for safekeeping while the rain passed "(282).
Old age and decrepitude are important themes in the novel, represented by almost all the characters from Ursula to Pilar Veal. Most of the characters die of old age and loneliness or killed.

"(Aureliano Buendía) with bar is locked within himself and the family ended up thinking of him as if he had died" (301). "Ursula was carried away by the decrepitude to the bottom of darkness where all that remained visible was the specter of José Arcadio Buendía under the chestnut" (314). "(Amaranta) But I was so deep conformity with its destination worried that even the certainty that all possibilities were closed rectification" (319).
Loneliness, as excruciating as hate, join the Buendia in a cycle of resentment and confronting madness ending a determinism that can not escape.

"Seeing mounted disconnect handles and clocks, Fernanda wondered whether he was also in the service incurring do to undo, like Colonel Aureliano Buendía with gold fishes, Amaranta with the buttons and the shroud, José Arcadio Segundo with scrolls and Ursula with memories "(358). "... Again shuddered with the realization that time did not pass, as she finished to admit, it was spinning in circles" (381). "I was too old and living to spare" (383). "... Hereditary vice do to undo" (433). "It was Pilar Veal. Years before, when he was one hundred and forty five, had given up the pernicious habit of keeping accounts of his age, and continued to live in marginal static time and memories ... "(447)" ... the history of the family was irreparable replicates a gear, a rotating wheel that had kept circling until eternity were it not for the progressive and irremediable wearing of the axle "(448).
The repetition time while static, however, a hopeless destructive power. This is the time of Hundred Years of Solitude. 's time Ursula and Pilar catches Veal huge longevity.

"He did not catch the reason" (387). "The apathy of the people contrasted with the voracity of oblivion" (392). "Aureliano not find who remembered his family, not even Colonel Aureliano Buendía" (436). "... The past was a lie, had no memory back roads, that any old spring was unrecoverable, and that love was more intended and tenacious anyway ephemeral truth" (455).
The madness and oblivion are the fate of the inhabitants of Macondo, especially the Buendia. They are the forgotten, such as, according to some experts in the field, the people of Latin America.

"... Held by loneliness and love of solitude" (457). "The first of the line is tied to a tree and the last is being eaten by ants" (469). "It was the story of the family, written by Melquiades even their most trivial details, a hundred years in advance" (469). "... Concentrated a century of daily episodes, so that all coexist in an instant" (469).
Loneliness, arguably the most voracious of the afflictions of the race of the Buendía.All in their desolate individuality, bordering on insanity. And Melquiades, a character who appears and disappears at will, which handles time, bottomless pits of knowledge and boundless imagination of those who stand in his way. The rapporteur. In this final section contains the complete saga of the Buendia that the reader can only discover adhering to each of the intricate stories.

Puntos a considerar

This novel was a landmark in Latin American literature, not only representing the imaginary Macondo readers immersed in a context which we discussed earlier, and Mario Vargas Llosa called social and historical chronicle, but for aesthetics literary exceeded everyday standards.Along with other novels of his time as Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar, the Air Is Clear by Carlos Fuentes, among many, was part of the strong literary movement called BoomLatinoamericano.
            We can not speak of One Hundred Years of Solitude only as a story or relate the plot that itself is extraordinary, regardless of the neatness of the author's prose and poetic art.But especially the aesthetics of it that has been widely studied by prominent academics from around the world and embraced by millions of readers who made ​​his. The complexity of the characters and the story are intertwined with hyperbolic literary image handling, with linguistic resources temporalities convoluted and challenging to the reader. Not only find in this work the author's overactive imagination but necessarily causes the active imagination of the reader.
Vargas Llosa The resources listed in their study " Hundred Years of Solitude : Reality total total novel " as magical, miraculous, mythical, legendary and fantastic cover the total of the imaginary plane on the novel by García Márquez.

Issues or topics to discuss

            It will be interesting to discuss the historical and social aspects representing the literary work as well as, among others, that place as one of the greatest works of American literature.
            The colonization of Latin America, their revolutions and independence (Macondo).
            Industrialization as a second colonization (The banana company).
The growth of the village turned into cities with what it implies (Macondo become municipality).
            Social classes and hierarchies (Since the arrival of Apolinar Moscote).
            The individual and collective loneliness (Analysis of characters and social situations).

            The narrative, the story, the story in One Hundred Years of Solitude
            The definition scrupulous characters
The complexity of the term structure, linguistic and literary
The expertise in the management of real and fantastic images
The inordinate amount of love (Rebecca and Jose Arcadio, Aureliano and Remedios, Aureliano Segundo and Petra Cotes, Meme Mauricio Babilonia and Amaranta Ursula and Jose Arcadio)
These and many other aspects shall be discussed in the work of a man who in the words of Alvaro Mutis"... (have) unlimited devotion by letters, exorbitant, fever, persistent, sleepless delivered to the secret wonders of the written word. "

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